Nadezhda Povroznik
Profile on Google Scholar
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Profile on Academia
Research Associate, Institut für Geschichte, Technische Universität Darmstadt, with more than 15 years of experience in the Digital Humanities field, with a focus on Digital History, Digital Heritage, and Virtual Museology.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Digital History;
- Guest-editor of the Journal Internet Histories;
- Communication Officer ADHO.
Bachelor’s level
- Information Technologies in the Humanities
- Institutions of Historical and Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age
Masters’ level
- Virtual museums, Electronic Archives and Libraries;
- Design of the resources of Historical and Cultural Heritage and their use in pedagogy
- Technologies of Preservation and Representation of Historical and Cultural Heritage;
- Technologies for the Analysis of Historical Texts;
- Fundamentals of 3D Modeling and Virtual Reconstructions;
- Information and Analytical Technologies of State and Municipal Government;
- Information Society.
- Digital Humanities;
- Digital History;
- Social History;
- Web History;
- Digital Heritage;
- Virtual Museums
- Enhancing education programmes in Arts and Humanities via European STEM methods and tools (ARTEST). Im EU-Programm „Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Call EAC/A02/2019“ (Funding reference number 618802-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP);
- The web history of society and social institutions. New course for Master Program, supported by Vladimir Potanin Foundation (2020-2021);
- Digital History of Virtual Museums, supported by the Center for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg (May – November 2019);
- Virtual Multimodal Museum (VIMM), funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme (CULT-COOP-8-2016). Expert in the section TA1 (profile), participate in the working group 1.1 “What is a Virtual Museum”, discuss the problems of virtual museums’ phenomenon and typology as well;
- Socio-cultural characteristics and patterns of behavior of the provincial Zemstvo deputies (the cases the Moscow, St. Petersburg and Perm Zemstvos in the second half of the XIX century) (supported by Russian Fund for Basic Research, grant № 17-06-00470, 2017-2019);
- Formation of the parliamentary sub-elite in Late Imperial Russia (supported by Russian Fund for Basic Research, grant № 16-06-00569, 2016-2018);
- History-oriented information systems: Methodological, theoretical and applied problems of creation and use (supported by Russian Fund for Basic Research, grant № 13-06-00655, 2013-2015);
- The Newspaper “Perm Provincial Vedomosti” in 1838-1844: Problems of source study and preservation of the historical and cultural textual heritage (supported by Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund, grant № 08-01-82101 a/U, 2008-2009);
- Journals of Zemstvo Assemblies as a source of studying the history of local self-government in Russia (second half of XIX – beginning of XX century). The Information system (supported by Russian Fund for Basic Research, grant № 04-07-90283-v, 2004-2006).
- Public lecture “The origin of virtual museums”, in the framework of the Science Week, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 5 April 2021 (Perm);
- Public lecture “Preserving the Present for the Future: Web Archives, Resources, Losses”, in the framework of the DH Week SPB, 26 January 2021 (Saint Petersburg);
- Public lecture “Virtual Museums in a Historical Perspective: From the Inception of the Concept to the Present State”, Nizhegorodsky State University, 1 December 2020 (Nizhny Novgorod);
- Workshop “Web Archive for the Historian: Exploring the Covered Digital Dust”, Perm State University, 18 June 2020;
- Public lecture “The History of Virtual Museums: An Internet Startup of the 1990s or 70 Years of Evolution?” at Higher School of Economics, 1 February 2020 (Moscow, Russia);
- Workshop “3D-Modelling for Preservation and Representation of Cultural Heritage” at Higher School of Economics, 30-31 January 2020 (Moscow);
- Workshop “Reconstructing the History of Digital Resources on the World Wide Web: Opportunities and Limitations” at the winter school on Digital Humanities, Baltic Federal University, 6 December 2019 (Kaliningrad, Russia);
- Lecture “Tracing the Digital History of Virtual Museums: Developing Features and Functionality” at the Colloquium on Digital Heritage, Institut für Digital Humanities, Universität zu Köln, 27 November 2019 (Cologne, Germany);
- Final presentation “Digital History of Virtual Museums” at the Center for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg, 20 November 2019 (Belval, Luxembourg);
- Keynote presentation “Digital literacy as a factor in successful navigation in the modern world” at the conference “Personal, subject, meta-subject results: Formation and evaluation technologies”, 25 Ocrober 2019 (Vereschagino, Russia);
- Workshop “Museum and its collections in a digital environment” at the Perm Museum of Moderm Art, 3 July 2019 (Perm, Russia);
- Plenary presentation “Virtual museum pedagogy: Modern trends” at the non-conference “Interactive Museum Technologies in Education Generation Z”, Perm State University, 18 April 2019 (Perm, Russia).
- Training program “Digital Didactics”, 13 January – 11 February 2021;
- Digital internship “Teaching in the Digital Age: Intended Learning Outcomes and Course Design”, Higher School of Economics, 3 July – 17 July 2020 (Moscow);
- MOOC “DCHx: Creating a Digital Cultural Heritage community” a course of study offered by KULeuvenX, an online learning initiative of KU Leuven (March – May, 2020);
- Training program “Inclusive education at the university” (Perm State University), February 2020;
- Visiting fellowship at the Center for Contemporary and Digital History (University of Luxembourg), May-November 2019;
- Session “The Evolution of a Publisher/Faculty Relationship: Collaboratively developing the Gale Digital Scholar Lab” (Utrecht University, 10 July 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands);
- Workshop “End of Man – Do Historical Studies lose their Antropological Fundamentals?” by Prof. Jorn Rusen (C2DH, University of Luxembourg, 8 May 2019, Luxembourg);
- Network modeling. NodeGoat software training (C2DH, University of Luxembourg, 23-24 May 2019, Luxembourg);
- Workshop “Investing in the future of our Digital Cultural Heritage: The EU Horizon 2020 CSA ViMM Roadmap” (EUROMED-2018, 01 November 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus);
- Workshop “How digital technologies can contribute to the preservation and restoration of Europe’s most important and endangered cultural heritage sites” (EUROMED-2018, 29-30 October 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus);
- Workshop “XML and TEI for Slavic philology” (EL´MANUSCRIPT-2018. 14-18 September 2018, Vienna and Krems, Austria);
- International Summer School in Information Retrieval’2018: “Information Retrieval for Good” (Kazan, Russia, August 2018);
- Workshop “Introduction to Born-Digital Heritage: from harvesting to analysing Web archives” (DH Benelux 2018, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 2018)
- Training program “Digital Spring” by the Center for Digital Humanitarian Research of Higher School of Economics (Moscow-Voronovo, April 2018)
- Further Training program “Historical and cultural educational standard: the Concept of modern historical education” (Perm State University, Perm, August 2017)
- Workshop “Workflow for the Integration of Heritage Digital Resources” (Olimje, Slovenia, May 2017)
- Russian-French seminar on discussing theoretical and applied problems of creating modern information resources for research in the fields of history, political science, linguistics and other humanities “Introduction to TEI and XML”, “Alternative systems of encoding, markup, processing and visualization of textual information”, “TXM Software for analysis of Russian texts corpuses” (ICAR Laboratory, École normale supérieure de Lyon, Lion, France, May 2015)
- Russian-Austrian seminar “Documenting and analysis of Historical and Cultural Heritage using the methods of historical information science” (supported by Russian Fund for Basic Research and Austrian Scientific Fund, Graz, Austria, April 2009)
- Academic exchange program “British culture and institutes” (University of Oxford, Oxford, Great Britain, November – December 2008)
- Internship program “Scientific and educational information systems for historians” (Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsverarbeitung, the University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, October 2007)
- Internship program “Information technologies in teaching humanities” (F. Historische Fachinformatik und Dokumentation, Institute fur Geschichte, University of Graz, Austria, April 2007)
PUBLICATIONS (2016-2021)
Books and book chapters:
- Povroznik N. (2019) Modern trends for digital historical and cultural heritage infrastructure development. In “Humanitarian research and the digital environment: Research and practice”. Eds. Zhabko E. D. St.-Petersburg, 2019, pp. 38-53;
- Povroznik N. (2018) Virtual exhibition of the ancient collection of the Museum of History of Perm University: Creation and use. In “Digital projects in modern information environment: theory and practice”. Ed. Zhabko E. D. Moscow, 2018, pp. 120-136;
- Povroznik N.G. (2017) Information and Analytical Technologies of State and Municipal Management. Perm State University publishing house, Perm, 2017. 164 pages.
Selected journal articles and published conference papers
- Povroznik N. (2020) Web Archives in Reconstructing History of Virtual Museums: Potential and Limitations. In: Perm University Herald. Series “History”. 2020, Vol. 4. Pp. 95-105;
- Povroznik N. (2020) Digital History of Post-Soviet Virtual Museums. In: DH2020. The Book of Abstracts. URL: https://dh2020.adho.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/281_DigitalHistoryofPostSovietVirtualMuseums.html
- Povroznik N. (2020) Digital History of Virtual Museums: The Transition from Analog to Internet Environment. In: Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference Riga, Latvia, October 21-23, 2020. pp. 125-136. URL: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2612/paper9.pdf
- Povroznik N. (2020) Building Museum Identity Online: Two Decades of Progress. In: Proceedings of DH Benelux Conference, 3-5 July 2020;
- Povroznik N. (2020) XML-based Analysis of Early 20th-Century Russian State Duma Verbatims (Analyse des verbatims de la Douma d’État russe du début du xxe siècle grâce au XML) In : Revue de l’Institut des langues et cultures d’Europe, Amérique, Afrique, Asie et Australie, 2020, vol. 39. URL: https://journals.openedition.org/ilcea/9338
- Povroznik N., Ismakaeva I. (2019) Discussions in the provincial zemstvos in the reflection of text maps: From visualization to analysis. In: Herald of Perm University, series “History”. Vol. 3 (46), pp. 146-158;
- Povroznik N. (2019) Documentation of Digital Heritage Information Resources: Expanding Access for Research and Education. In the Proceedings of the conference DH2019, 9-12 July 2019. Utrecht, Netherlands. URL: https://dev.clariah.nl/files/dh2019/boa/0403.html;
- Povroznik N. (2018) Structural Dynamics of the Indexes to the Verbatim Records of the State Duma at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Analysis of the Historical Corpus Based on XML Markup // Historical Information Science. Vol. 4. Pp. 73-83. DOI: 10.7256/2585-7797.2018.4.28053 (in Russian);
- Povroznik N. (2018) Towards a Global Infrastructure for Digital Cultural Heritage // Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection: 7th International Conference, EuroMed 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 29 – November 3, 2018, Proceedings, Part I. Pp. 607-615. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01762-0_53 (in English)
- P. Arthur, M. van Faassen, R. Hoekstra, N. Povroznik, L. Hearn, N. Peters (2018) Migration Experiences: Acknowledging the Past, and Sustaining the Present and Future // Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection: 7th International Conference, EuroMed 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 29 – November 3, 2018, Proceedings, Part II. Pp. 224-234. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01765-1_25 (in English);
- Povroznik N. (2018) Virtual Museums and Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Solutions // Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 3rd Conference Helsinki, Finland, March 7-9, 2018, pp. 394-402 (in English);
- Povroznik N. (2018) 3D models of Ancient Greek Collection of the Perm University History Museum: Creation and Use // Digital Cultural Heritage. M. Ioannides (Ed.): ITN-DCH 2017. LNCS 10605. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature, 2018, pp. 144–154 (in English);
- Kornienko S., Povroznik N., Ehlakova A. (2017) Socio-cultural characteristics of the deputies of the first triennum of provincial Zemstvo meetings in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Perm // Vlast. No. 12 (vol 25) 2017, pp. 130-136 (in Russian);
- Povroznik N.G., Smetanin A.V. (2017) Social network analysis of the deputies of provincial zemstvo meetings: to the formulation of the problem / / Proceedings of the Conference “Digital Humanities: resources, methods, research” 16-18May, 2017, Perm, Russia 2017. Vol. 1, pp.140-143 (in Russian);
- Povroznik N.G. (2017) Indexes to the verbatim records of the State Duma meetings of the early twentieth century: An Analysis of the change in the source structure based on XML markup // Proceedings of the Conference “Digital Humanities: resources, methods, research” 16-18May, 2017, Perm, Russia 2017. Vol. 1, pp. 137-140 (in Russian);
- Povroznik N.G., Shmoller E. (2017) Material culture of Islam in the post-Soviet space: Opportunities of studying on the basis of resources of virtual museums // Proceedings of the Conference “Digital Humanities: resources, methods, research” 16-18May, 2017, Perm, Russia 2017. Vol. 2, pp.196-199 (in Russian);
- Kornienko S.I., Povroznik N.G. (2016) Possibilities of using XML for studying the Stenographic reports of the State Duma in the Russian Empire of the early 20th century // El’Manuscript-2016: Rasytinis palikimas ir informacines technologijos. VI tarptautine moksline konferencija Pranesimai ir tezes, Vilnius, 2016 m. rugpjucio 22-28 d, pp. 95-99 (in Russian);
- Gagarina D.A., Kornienko S.I., Povroznik N.G. (2016) Information systems in the digital environment of historical science // Electronic scientific and educational journal “History”. 2016. No. 7 (51) (in Russian);
- Kornienko S.I., Povroznik N.G., Gagarina D.A., Harisova A.R. University and Library: Cooperation in the field of conservation and study of provincial periodicals // The Role of Libraries in the Information Support of Historical Science. Eds. Chubaryan А.О., Firsov V.R.. Moscow, 2016, pp. 500-515 (in Russian);
- Povroznik N. Typology of Virtual Museums and their Potential for Providing Information for Historical Sciences // The Proceedings of International Conference “Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, EVA-2016”, St. Petersburg, June 23rd–24th, 2016, pp. 61-65 (in English);
- Povroznik N.G., Tararukhina E.S. Creation of historical virtual museum of Perm University // Museums of universities of the Eurasian Association and their role in the preservation of cultural heritage: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Methodical Conference, Tomsk, 25-29 September, 2016, pp. 144-151 (in Russian).
Recent conference presentations (2016-2021)
- International Europeana Symposium “Research and Digital Cultural Heritage: New Impact Horizons”, 11-12 Мая 2021. Presentation “Engaging with museum treasures via digital means: From curiosity to the social value”;
- UK – Russia Creative Bridge 2020-21. Series of events “Cultural Current”. Presentation “Digital Technology and the University Museum: Expanding opportunities for Public Engagement and Research”, 19 February 2021 (international online event);
- International Symposium “Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums”. Presentation “Digital Skills, Technologies, Storytelling: Participatory and Collaborative Practices at Perm University History Museum”, 15 December 2020 (Luxembourg);
- International Conference “Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries”. Presentation “Digital history of Virtual Museums: The Transition from Analog to Internet Environment”, 21-23 October 2020 (Riga, Latvia);
- International Conference “Museum Big Data”. Presentation “Museum Web-History & Museum Data: Changing the Role Through the Past”, 22-24 October 2020 (UCL);
- International Conference DH-2020. Presentation “Digital History of Post-Soviet Virtual Museums”, July 2020 (Ottawa);
- International DH Benelux Conference, 3-5 July 2020. Presentation “Building Museum Identity Online: Two Decades of Progress”.
- International Conference on “Digital Methods and Research Data Management in the Humanities and Social Sciences”, 7-8 October 2019, German Historical Institute, Moscow (Russia). Presentation “Digital History of Virtual Post-Soviet Museums”.
- International Conference on Biographical Data in a Digital World 2019, Varna (Bulgaria), 5-6 September 2019. Presentation “Reconstructing data for modelling collective biography: A case of Zemstvo deputies in Russia in the second half of XIX century”;
- International Conference on Digital Humanities 2019: “Complexities”, Utrecht (Netherlands), 9-12 July 2019. Presentation “Documentation of Digital Heritage Information Resources: Expanding Access for Research and Education”;
- 2nd International Conference of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA), Pretoria (South Africa), 25-29 March 2019. Presentation “Sustainability of Digital Humanities Projects: Expanding Opportunities”;
- Conference “Economy of impressions: museum, event and tourism management”, Perm (Russia), 14-15 March 2019. Presentation “The digital future of a small museum: hype or long-term strategy?”;
- Conference “Art & Science 2019”, Perm (Russia), 19 February 2019. Presentation in co-authorship with Ksenia Zubakina “Technologies for the study of wooden sculpture”;
- International Conference on Digital Heritage. EUROMED-2018, 29 October – 3 November 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus. Report “Towards a Global Infrastructure for Digital Cultural Heritage”;
- 7th International Conference on Textual Heritage and Information Technologies EL´MANUSCRIPT-2018. 14-18 September 2018, Vienna and Krems, Austria. Report “Corpus-based historical interpretation: Analyzing the indexes to verbatim records of the early 20th-century State Duma of the Russian Empire”;
- The 5th DH Benelux Conference 6-8 June, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Report “Visualization of text data and mapping of statements by Zemstvo deputies”;
- Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries. 3rd Conference. 7–9 March 2018, Helsinki, Finland. The Report “Virtual Museums and Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Solutions”;
- Conference “Economics and Culture: Traditions and Perspectives” 19-20 February, 2018, Perm, Russia. The Report “Private museum collections in virtual space”;
- International Conference “Historical Information Science: Traditions and Innovations (devoted to the 25th Anniversary of the Interdisciplinary Direction)”. 17-18 November, 2017, Moscow, Russia. The Report “Priorities of Zemstvo activities according to the content-analysis of the Journals of the provincial Zemstvo meetings”;
- International Conference “Information Technologies in the Humanities”. DH Russia-2017. 18-22 September, 2017, Krasnoyarsk (Russia). The Report “Socio-cultural characteristics and patterns of provincial Zemstvo deputies behavior: approaches and methods of study”;
- Final Conference on Digital Heritage. Initial Training Network on Digital Cultural Heritage. 23-25 May, 2017, Olimje, Slovenia. Report “3D Modeling of exhibits of the Perm University History Museum: Preservation, provision of access to and usage of Cultural Heritage items”;
- International Conference “Digital Humanities: Resources, Methods, Research”, 16-18 May, 2017, Perm, Russia. The Report “Indexes to the verbatim records of the State Duma meetings of the early twentieth century: An Analysis of the change in the source structure based on XML markup”;
- International conference of the Association for “History and Computer” “Historical Research in the Digital Age: Information Resources, Methods, Technologies”. 7-9 October, 2016, Moscow, Zvenigorod, Russia. Report “Increasing the potential of virtual museums for information support of historical science”;
- International Conference “Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, EVA-2016”, 23-24 June, 2016. St.-Petersburg, Russia. The Report “Typology of virtual museums and their potential for providing information for historical sciences”;
- XIX Joint Conference “Internet and Contemporary Society” IMS-2016, 22-24 June, 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia. Report “An Assessment of the transparency of federal executive bodies in the Russian Federation: from subjectivity to accurate data”.
Professional Associations membership
- The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH);
- The Association of Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN);
- Russian Association for History and Computing (AIK);
- El-Manuscript, Textual Heritage